Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Books I'm reading and the Afghan presidential election...

So I have no books to review at this point, but I am currently reading I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou and The World Since 1945 by T.E. Vadney. I guess I'm just in one of those moods when I'm really into knowing why everything happening right now in the world is actually happening (for example- corruption in Africa etc) so I chose to get into The World Since 1945 (I've previously read from it, but this time I'm going cover to cover)... it's definitely good for getting an overrall sense of background about a lot of issues that mass media tends to gloss over for the general public. I'm not sure that every person would find the book interesting but in my humble opinion I don't think it's the hardest to read history book ever written:)

On the note of things going on in the world, I'm so annoyed with the media's portrayal of the Afghan presidential elections. All they keep saying over and over is that a third of the votes are fraudulent. And they are focusing way too much on Karzai, when its other people in Afghanistan controlling him and his moves. He is just the frontman for a whole slew of warlords. Ugh.... it's as if the US government is completely controlling the media's reporting of the elections. They are ignoring the people- what the people want, need, etc. Who cares about stupid Karzai? What about the people? The people who are starving, being killed, begging in the streets? When do we ever hear from them? Even the Guardian- which I consider the most reputable news source in London- skirts over the issue and just lists stats regarding the election. Please, please world media- let people really know what's going on in the country- not just give stats!

Anyways enough ranting for now.... if there are any decent articles covering the Afghan elections I'll post:)

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