Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Question for Entry 1: Why?

Why am I creating a new blog when I wrote a total of about 5 entries in the last one (over the course of a year)?

Because, my friends I need a new creative outlet, but under a different theme/ mode of thought than the last one (which was based strictly on my newfound life in London, a city which I have grown accustomed to and no longer find very surprising or awe-inspiring; I mean that in a good way:)

This blog may be only for my own benefit but I feel it's something I need right now as my graduate education has come to a close. I need a place in the virtual world dedicated to my continuing education. Therefore, this blog will include, but will in no way be limited to: book reviews, article reviews, website links, movie reviews, comments on political events, general new things I've learned, books I want to read, etc etc. I may also write about my continuing job search.

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